Feeling lonely? You’re not alone. Here’s how to get reconnected.
Worried that loneliness could become your daily companion? Helping hands, listening ears and new friends really are within reach. All you have to do is ask...
- Giving back to the community boosts our own well-being and happiness – and even our health. Do you have time to volunteer? Consider your skills. Could you bake or cook for people in need, support women or other seniors, become a mentor, or become a literacy or other tutor?
- Hobbies often fall by the wayside when we’re busy with work and family. But retirement presents an opportunity to revisit the activities you once loved – and meet like-minded people. Is there a community choir in your town? Could you join your local theatre company – if not on stage, as part of the crew or as an usher? Do you enjoy artistic pursuits? Talent’s not a pre-requisite for joining an art class, or you could go for a cooking class.
- U3A, or the University of the Third Age, has groups and clubs around the country helping people to learn, contribute and to make new friends in their local community.
- Men’s Sheds provide an opportunity for blokes to get together and get productive. You can read more here.
- Social isolation can be even more keenly felt if you’re living rurally and have few opportunities for incidental interaction. In this case, as well as for ‘townies’, technology can be a great way to stay or become better connected to others – it’s all at your fingertips. Just make sure you stay safe.
- Could you start your own community group involving those with a shared goal? You could get together in a café to record your family or life histories, or start a garden, walking or book club.
- Pets can provide a wonderful source of comfort and company. If you’re an animal lover but can’t afford to have your own, you might like to become an SPCA ‘foster parent’.
- Just need someone to talk to? Consider signing up to a phone support service such as St John’s Caring Caller.
- Mycare’s care workers offer all kinds of services, from live-in home help to just good company. Sign up to check out the profiles of workers in your area. And if you need one-on-one help, just call the Customer Engagement Team on 09 887 9777, or email hello@mycare.co.nz.
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