How to edit your profile
You can easily edit, update and make changes to your profile by clicking on the 'profile' tab. To edit a section on your profile click on the blue pen.
On the Dashboard select the Quick Link to View your profile
You should now be on your profile view. Just select Edit” next to the fields that you want to update.
How do I upload my photo?
We have made it easy to upload your photo to your profile. You can do this at the time you create your profile when you enter your personal details
Simply click the 'Upload Picture' button and select the photo you want to upload from your files. Make sure you adjust the photo to ensure you have the best shot of your face. Your photo must be 4MB or less.
If you didn't upload a photo when you created your profile, you need to view your entire profile where you will find an 'Edit' button.
How do I update my bank account details?
Before your client can book and pay you for visits on Mycare, you'll need to enter your bank account and IRD number. You can update your details under the Account Settings and the Payment tab at any time.
Your details are held securely and will not be shared.
If you get stuck or have questions, contact our Customer Success team on 09 887 9777 or at
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