Our Payment Report enables you to have an easy overview of the money you have spent and allows you to check your spending over a designated time period.
There are many reasons you may want to check your payment report. To see what your balance is, to see what charges have been made, or perhaps to submit a claim to be reimbursed for some scheduled work. Mycare has all this information at your fingertips on the Payments tab of your account. Here's how to get the most out of this report:
Go to the Payments tab. Here you will see your most recent transactions. Your Mycare account is like a bank account. The money you deposit is yours to pay your workers. The reason we require a week's advance payment is to ensure the worker gets paid on time. It’s how we build trust between you and your workers.
Account Balance - Money that is currently in your account.
Booked visits - upcoming visits in the coming 7 days, that have already been paid for.
Payment Types -
- A ‘Visit’ is a payment for work scheduled by you and submitted by your worker. This is shown in the red negative amount. You can see the date and time of the visit and click ‘View Visit’ to see more details.
- A ‘Deposit’ shows funds that have been transferred to top up your account. These could be from a credit card, a bank transfer, or a payment from a funder (such as an Individualised Funding Host). Shown in a green positive amount.
- A ‘Refund’ This occurs in instances that you no longer need care and Mycare is able to refund you the remaining balance on your account.
Sometimes you may need an account statement for a specific period. To get this, click on the Report tab. You can then enter a specific date range. Select ‘Print’ and ‘Save as PDF’ so you can provide this to a funder as evidence of the money spent on Mycare.
You can set the dates in the future but be aware that it only shows spending for visits that have been approved, not for visits that have been booked but not completed yet. It also does not show any advance amount that might still be in your account.
If you have any questions or are unsure of any charges that appear on your payment report then please contact us immediately. We are here to help.
If you have any questions about your payment report or anything else please contact our Customer Success team on 09 887 9777 or email: hello@mycare.co.nz.
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